Sorry Ive been Grumpy – Your a rockstar!

I’ve been grumpy, it’s been a few weeks now I don’t know why. I have had wisdom teeth issues but had that pulled out which made me smile. teeth

This isn’t a sycophantic, gushy lovey dovy piece about love. It’s a statement of fact. My wife is rockstar.

For starters – she has followed me on our adventures offshore for nearly a decade putting her career on the back burner. She has reinvented herself in a 100 different guises. From running an art gallery to helping submit immigration applications. She has gotten herself a new set of qualifications; set up her own fitness consultancy and at the same time manages the household of me and a cat. Which is probably the hardest thing she does.


She helps people in her job, not just to reach their fitness goals but she listens to them, hears their thoughts, musing, problems she is not just a coach but a life councilor. Yet she asks me everyday how my day went. She runs because she enjoys it. She good at it, she ran 4 half marathons, a full marathon and various 5 & 10k races this year. Yet the next day she is back training other people. She wins some of these races.


People think she has an easy job yet I see her popping the ibuprofen before she goes to sleep just so her legs don’t ache when she wakes up. She lives for her friends never wanting to let any of them down, always being available. She worries about her family but wont share her own worries with them in case they worry!

She says sometimes that other people get the best of me as I am always working and that makes my heart ache. I want her to have the best of me simply because she is my inspiration.

So the best way I could end @anythingoverice 2016, which has been an interesting year around the world, is to leave it with a positive piece about appreciation. I appreciate you my love and regardless of the sh!t show going on everywhere else you are the only thing that is important to me. You will have the best of me in 2017 & beyond.

Happy Christmas


Grumpy @anythingoverice

Plus any wife willing to dress as Princess Leia is a rockstar xx




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